Professional Learning & Development
Training & Resources
These links provide various opportunities for accessing professional learning and resources available to support Ohio educators in different roles:
Learning Management System for Ohio Education: Provides free courses and professional development for licensed Ohio educators.
Supporting Ohio’s Paraprofessionals
Take a look at resources selected specifically for paraprofessionals, and supports for the district and school staff who work with them.Supporting Ohio’s Substitute Teachers
Explore resources to prepare prospective and beginning substitute teachers (Substitute 101 Resources) and further develop the skills of current substitute teachers (Substitute 201 Resources).
Professional Development Guidance
Learn about the essential elements of a strong professional learning system through the Ohio Standards for Professional Development. The standards frame the best practices for educator professional development that best meet the needs of students.
Systems to Manage Professional Development
These links provide guidance for systems to best manage professional development:
Local Professional Development Committees (LPDCs): Assure that teachers regularly renew their licensure through appropriate professional development.
System to Achieve Results for Students (STARS): Enroll in Ohio professional development opportunities.
Connected Ohio Records for Educators (CORE): Manages all activities related to educator licensure.