Substitute Teaching 201
If you are a current substitute teacher, or you are working with one, explore these resources to further develop necessary skills for being a substitute teacher.
Training & Professional Development
The Ohio Center for Substitute Teachers Training – A research-based training housed within The Ohio Center for Substitute Teachers and covers professionalism, classroom management, teaching strategies, special education and legal issues. *This resource has a cost
STEDI – STEDI offers online, research-based trainings to prepare substitute teachers for the classroom. *This resource has a cost
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Modules – These modules are housed on the Department’s Learning Management System (LMS) and provide an overview of the PBIS framework.
Culturally Responsive Practice Modules – These modules are housed on the LMS and provide an overview of the three tenets of culturally responsive practices.
Professional Conduct: ABConduct TipSheets Course – This course is housed on the LMS and will introduce the topics on professional conduct.
Classroom Management & Behavioral Supports
Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS) for Educators – Resource documents for educators on PBIS.
Supporting School Wellness Toolkit for Teachers – A toolkit of mental and behavioral health resources for teachers to implement in their classrooms.
Ohio’s Whole Child Framework – Ohio’s framework which places the whole child at the center, with district, school, family and community supporting the needs of the whole child using a comprehensive approach.
Whole Child Resources – A series of links to information and resources teachers can use in providing whole child supports to students.
ABC’s of Mental Health – Provides tips, tools and supports for teachers who may be feeling the weight of new expectations along with heightened health and safety concerns.
School Safety & Wellness Resources for Educators – A series of resources from the Ohio School Safety Center teachers can use to instill safety and wellness in their classrooms.
Stress First Aid (SFA) – A program that helps people develop skills to recover from stressful situations.
Ohio Center for Autism and Low Incidence (OCALI) Learning Pathway – OCALI will match resources to professional development needs in the areas of assessment, behavior and least restrictive environment. Individuals must first create a free OCALI Pass.
Instructional Supports
Instructional Resources Organized by Content – Scroll to bottom of this page for links to instructional resources organized by content areas.
Model Curricula – A guide for educators as they teach with the standards and create related assessments.
Ohio Curriculum Support Guide – Educators can use the Ohio Curriculum Support Guide to help with curriculum selection and implementation.
Ohio’s Literacy Academy on Demand – A collection of short, web-based courses to support professional learning in language and literacy instruction in elementary, middle and high schools.
The Reading Improvement and Monitoring Plan (RIMP) Intervention video series – A video series which demonstrates how to teach evidence-based reading interventions grounded in the science of reading.
Teaching Channel – Teaching Channel offers subscriptions to video courses on a variety of topics. *This resource has a cost
Professionalism & Fundamentals
ABConduct TipSheets – A series of tip sheets on how to recognize situations that can get teachers in trouble.
Licensure Code of Professional Conduct for Ohio Educators - The presumptive range of applicable disciplinary actions involving any individual credentialed by the State Board of Education.
Vulnerable Youth – A list of vulnerable youth populations and resources for each group.
Anti-Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying Resources – A series of resources to address harassment, intimidation and bullying.