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Employee Engagement

Engagement has formal definitions – it can be measured, and it can be improved.

Gallup defines Employee Engagement as the involvement and enthusiasm of employees in their work and workplace. Engaged employees are committed to quality work and helping their organization succeed. Employee Engagement is a leading indicator of important lagging indicators, such as: turnover, absenteeism, wellbeing, productivity, profitability, safety incidents.

Employee Engagement versus Employee Satisfaction

Often, people use the terms Engagement and Satisfaction interchangeably but they actually have very different meanings, and produce different outcomes.

Satisfied employees are content with their job, are often pleasant and easy to work with. Satisfaction is a leading indicator of showing up.

Engaged employees give discretionary effort. They are passionate, energized, and involved. Engagement is a leading indicator of producing results.

What Does it Look Like to Prioritize Employee Engagement in Schools?

Great organizations want discretionary effort and need people that promote their brand. Measuring engagement sends a very powerful and positive message – “We want you to want to be here, and for this to be a place of employment at which everyone thrives.”

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Getting Started

Unpacking Employee Engagement - brief overview of employee engagement, exemplars, and ideas for starting this important conversation with your colleagues.

Measuring Employee Engagement - approaches to measure employee engagement, and considerations when selecting a survey instrument to formally measure the construct.

Responding to Employee Engagement Data - proactive planning on putting employee engagement data to use, tips for responding to the data.